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GIF of the Deledao ActiveScan filter in action


Block distractions with real-time AI

Keep your students on task while we instantly block or blur digital distractions more than any other solution. Want to know how we do it?

Powered by our revolutionary InstantAI™ technology

Other companies that use Al to analyze web content fail to prevent common digital distractions like games within Google Sites and YouTube videos because they rely on manual keyword and URL blocklist updates.

ActiveScan™ employs our patented InstantAI™ technology to evaluate content in real time like a human and instantly shut down distractions. This way, you can keep your students on task and engaged in learning.

No more lengthy blocklists

Is your blocklist growing daily with game sites? Proxy Sites? Google Sites? YouTube videos? 


Our InstantAI technology analyzes the text, images, and videos on every webpage in real-time. 


No more over-blocking, under-blocking, or maintaining lengthy blocklists. No more online whack-a-mole.

A blocklist for school web filters
Filter Bypass Proxy Illustration


ProxyGuard™ is our newest feature that automates the detection of proxy sites students use to bypass your current filter.


Get ready to streamline your web filter management, drastically cut teachers’ block requests, and keep students engaged in learning.


We evaluate Google Sites, YouTube, and other social media your students often visit to redirect them to their assigned lesson content. 


This way, you can still keep YouTube as a digital resource.

Image of a streaming video with books and notebooks
A Game Over page of an online game


Our patented technology can analyze keyboard input and mouse movements to detect game-playing.


No need to worry about students playing sneaky games. 


This feature instantly recognizes contextual nuance and inventive spelling and redacts foul language for more school-appropriate language.


Discover an AI model that understands the context of each page by reading like a human would.

ActiveScan WordCypher

Video Intro

No VPN image

Block proxy,
VPN and HTML coding sites

Laptop, phone, tablet

Cloud-based, works on all devices and OS

CIPA-compliance badge

Keep your school CIPA-compliant

"The real-time text, image, and video analysis essentially eliminates a lot of inappropriate and distracting content in ways that are superior to other products we've tested. Deledao buys the peace of mind that other solutions I've looked at don't necessarily have."
Westwood Public Schools logo

Steve Ouellette,

Director of Technology,

Learning, and Innovation

Westwood Public Schools (MA)

Any questions? Let’s talk!

Discover today our instructional solution and bring your students' engagement to the next level!

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