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Greg Rodriguez
Director of Technology
Nashua School District
As a district with over 11,000 students, we wanted a few things. One, a content filter that finally works on our Windows devices, not just on Chromebooks. Second, a solution that works off campus for distance learning. Deledao delivered on all its promises and more. It’s probably the best thing we bought this entire year.

We can see in Deledao’s admin console that our students improved their productivity. The dashboard and UI are exceptional. It’s easy to pull a report and immediately share it with the superintendent, parents, or teachers. With our previous solution, we had no idea what was happening.

Teresa Huff
Data Systems Specialist
Scappoose School District
Michael Porco
Assistant Principal
Godwin Heights High School
We don’t always know when students struggle with their mental health. Thankfully, Deledao ActivePulse detected that one of our students was struggling and alerted us so we could send help in time. I’m pretty sure Deledao helped save a life.
What they say about us

Everything you need to improve student outcomes
Block Distractions in Real Time, Without Saying Goodbye to Google or YouTube for Education
Other companies that use Al to analyze web content fail to prevent common digital distractions like games within Google Sites and YouTube videos because they rely on the manual keyword and URL blocklist updates.
ActiveScan™ employs our patented InstantAI™ technology to evaluate content (video, images, and text) in real-time like a human and instantly shut down distractions. This way, you can keep your students on task and engaged in learning.

Learn how it works

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