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How to Track a Student's Social-Emotional Well-being

Writer: Kevin Kuckkan, M.Ed.Kevin Kuckkan, M.Ed.

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

K12's are facing competing priorities as they look toward the upcoming school year: addressing potential learning gaps, preparing school buildings for new state/fed guidelines, considerations for blended synchronous learning, digital equity, to name just a few.

Juggling on a bike
Breaking news - it's hard to juggle on a bike.

Perhaps lost in this discussion is student social-emotional well-being. The research is clear - healthy social-emotional well-being is critical to student performance. In fact, 50% of students surveyed in May 2020 indicate they feel they need mental health services since schools closed due to COVID. It's challenging enough to build supports when students are in a normal K12 setting, but how does a school become aware that a student is struggling when students are remote full/part time?

We can help.

And here’s how.

In addition to our state-of-the-art real time content filtering, Deledao's AI filtering engines also recognize student social-emotional warning signs in real time so you can get kids the help they need. The Deledao difference is that our AI filters actually understand the context of web and email activity, alerting parents and schools in REAL TIME when student email, web and social media content involves self-harm, hate, racism, violence, bullying or related content.

Example - Sample Email

Legacy products tout round-the-clock monitoring of student activity by a team of trained ‘professionals’.

Here’s what that means:

  1. A student searches or emails on self-harm or similar content.

  2. An alert is sent to a human.

  3. The human reviews the content.

  4. The human notifies the school.

  5. The school notifies the parent.

  6. Student engagement ensues.

When products reference using ‘enhanced AI’ or ‘bots’ in conjunction with a team of human analysts, it could be an indicator that their AI technology generates a high level of false positives.

Deledao doesn’t have that problem.

Real Time Filtering + Real Time Alerts = No Humans Needed

Obviously, when students are in crisis, time is of the essence. As a Digital Wellness company, we take this matter very seriously. Real time filtering and alerting is what we do. Wellness Alerts detected by our real time AI are sent immediately via direct email and mobile app to parents or school personnel, minimizing valuable lag time.

IT Admins designate multiple users who can receive alerts – school counselors, IT, administration, police liaison or whoever else needs to be involved. And the result is a streamlined, collaborative, and informed team approach.

Example - Parent Portal App Student Web Activity Report and Parent Portal Dashboard

Deledao provides Parents and School Admins with web activity reports to help analyze historical internet usage in an effort to head off any problems before they become critical.

Example - Spotlight Report web activity info graphic

Sample word cloud
Dan Williams is a demo student profile.

Our intuitive Deledao Spotlight report infographic provides immediate detail about individual student web activity, blocks, and historical trends. Staff can quickly and easily discern potential problematic trends within a grade level, school or entire district and act immediately if areas of concern are trending in this direction.

We speak with school district personnel all the time who are being asked by their District Administration to find solutions that ‘go beyond filtering’. And Deledao does just that.

Let's all work together.
Let's all work together.

We go beyond filtering by helping schools keep kids safe and protected online, providing teachers with unparalleled on/off campus device and internet management tools, ensuring parents remain informed and engaged in their child’s web activity both on/off campus, and by dramatically streamlining the workload of K12 ITs.

Isn’t it TIME for your district to get REAL and move beyond just filtering?

Take Deledao’s comprehensive REAL TIME AI filtering and alerting system for a 60 day test drive to see for yourself why our industry recognized state-of-the-art filtering technology is a game-changer!

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